Soooo, I love lucky charms. It’s my favorite cereal. Fun fact about me is that I don’t eat cereal with milk...
I will drink a glass of milk on the side but putting the actual milk in my cereal was and still is a no go. Maybe it was because I got a whupping for not eating soggy corn flakes when I was little, I don't know. Trauma sheesh! I wasn’t allowed those sugary cereals when I was a child nor could we afford them, sad that I knew that as a child but as soon as I reached the age of purchasing my own shit, boxes of lucky charms flooded in.
The best part of lucky charms is that I only eat the marshmallows. Like legit Kylie Jenner shit, when I found out that she did that too I was so happy that I was not alone. I discovered there was a whole community of you guys, discarding the grain shapes/letters (what the shit are these?) leaving the YUMMMM love left.
My hubby got me one of those bowls that separates the milk from the cereal, (what a peach) and I went to town!! Now this cereal I CAN eat with milk, in portions lol, even though I still prefer my dry blend. Every day when I got home from work I would baggy up a ziploc full of marshmallows that I separated (sheesh that’s telling lol smh) and put it on my nightstand for snacking in the bed with tv later. Let’s just say for the record my partner did not like the fact that I had a Ziploc bag of cereal marshmallows every night before bed that I fell asleep with. I mean I offered to share. Also when he poured himself a bowl of lucky, there was never any marshmallows in his bowl lol. I definitely put back those shapes back in.
I feel like I hear judgement somewhere out there.
Fast forward to now, I have a toddler and I bought a box of my favorite cereal, especially because Groot was on the box.
Yipes… what do I do?
She is looking at my goods. (I LEGIT HID GIRL SCOUT THIN MINT COOKIES FROM MY SON FOR YEARS. He had no idea they even existed until my husband goes and shares my stash. To the top of the closet they go.... with my step ladder, I'm short..-_- Also Mr. Choice Words, I think that's like a violation of the marriage contract or something, gotta look into that.
What did I do?
Umm decision made.
I know, I know, I'm terrible, you don't have to say it blah, blah, blah. I got a couple years until she figures this out or can read and reads my blog…
I did actually give her a unicorn shaped one, just one to see if she liked it because I felt bad. She loves unicorns and she played with it like it a toy.... -_- Pure shame.. you are entirely not ready for the mallows yet baby. But the day you do experience them we can have full bowls of mallowlicious love, sharing the very inappropriate practice together. Cry me a river, she'll need the carbs, inflation! Bahh!! Also she totally stole my throwback Simon, ummm thievery. I don't think they have lucky charms in baby jail.
Until then dear readers! Have a great day!!
By the way marshmallows used to be made from the marsh mallow plant or Althaea officinalis, back in the mid 1800s in France. They used the sap from the plant and whipped it up then placed in molds to set. eventually they began using gelatin to stabilize the treat better and stopped using the sap from the plant. Pretty flower, cool story and makes me want to pour a bowl in the name of nature!
Image credits
Facebook Lucky Charms, Getty Images,